We are holding an online information session on 18th March about our 2025 residency programme. This is being led by members of the Connecting Threads programming team, including River Culture Curator Tiki Muir, and is BSL interpreted and captioned.
We recommend attending if you're interested in applying, as this is a chance to meet us and ask any questions about the application process and the residency itself. If you have access requirements, please contact us before the session: connectingthreads@sup.org.uk
For those who aren’t able to attend on the day, the session is being recorded and made available online via our website.
Format: Zoom meeting. You will receive the Zoom meeting link and password once you have registered for the event.
Access: The session will be BSL-interpreted. The event is being captioned using Zoom’s automated captioning.
Capacity: A maximum of 100 people can attend.
About our 2025 residencies
We are pleased to announce the Connecting Threads 2025 residency programme, offering up to six paid and supported residency opportunities for creative practitioners based in the River Tweed catchment area.
Our artist residencies form a key strand of our programme for 2025, under the overall theme of Watery Commons. We’re interested in your ideas of a watery commons that might bubble up on multiple scales across time and place. How can artists and creative practitioners navigate connections between the local and the global, the bodily and the systemic, the material and the metaphorical?
Full details of our 2025 residency open call.