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Big Beastie Hunt

20 July 2024, 13:30 – 15:30

Castle Vale Park, Berwick

As part of the Berwick Parks Big Beastie Hunt, Connecting Threads are hosting a creative arts zone, led by three artists running activities throughout the event.

Annie Lord, Berwick Bridge 400 artist in residence, is running a workshop exploring the beasties of the Tweed, creating a big collaborative drawing with families.

Berwick-based artist Zelda Sawarz has designed a tree identifying activity. She would like to inspire youngsters to look closely at plants to learn about the environment and become caretakers of it. 

Meanwhile, Berwick-based artist, forager and trained Forest School Leader Jo Hart, founder of Wild Revival, is leading activities to celebrate plants and our relationship with the natural world. Jo's workshop will involve exploring leaf shapes in the park, choosing plant materials that draw our attention to make unique clay impression art.

The Big Beastie Hunt also involves a butterfly trail, pond-dipping and bumblebees.

This is a free event for children and their adults.

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